“Train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart from it.”



9:00 AM // 10:45 AM // 12:30 PM // 6:00 PM

Grace City Kids exists to lead children into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ, while embracing the fun and joy of childhood!

Through fun experiences, meaningful music, and ministry that encourages kids to participate, we present Jesus Christ and His Church in a relevant way, creating moments that children will never forget.

First Time Families

We would love to have your family join us on Sundays for Grace City Kids! Our ministry serves kids from 3 Months to 5th Grade. If you are joining us for the first time, you can fill out our Pre-Registration Form below to let us know when you are coming and add your information to our system for an easier check-in. 
We will meet you at our First Time Family table in the Kids Check-In area, located in the lobby at church, to give you a tour of the facility, help you get checked in, and answer any questions that you may have! 
We are looking forward to meeting you soon! 

GCK Take Home Guides

Every week, our team prepares the age-appropriate curriculum for your child’s learning experience at Grace City Church. Download the learning guides for each lesson to have a better understanding of what your child is learning each week in Kids Church!

What We Value

Engaging Bible Teaching

We believe that the Bible is the living word of God, and want to train up our Grace City Kids to live it out and grow a deep love for it. Our curriculum helps our students and teachers learn Biblical truths in an engaging and memorable way!

Powerful Worship

The Holy Spirit moves in our hearts when we set aside time to surrender our life through worship. We believe starting our time together in fun, energetic, and powerful worship is crucial to our spiritual formation with Jesus!

Life Long Friendships

The local Church is a place to build lifelong friendships that will walk alongside you in the highs and lows of life. We make it a priority to create a space where friendships are created and nourished. Community is powerful and we want our kids to experience that even at a young age.

Building a Love for the Local Church

As scripture says in Proverbs 22:6, if we train up a child in the way they should go by teaching them the foundational truths of Jesus and creating a love for being found in the house of God, then they will not depart from it. They will carry it with them for all the days of their life.

Fun and Safe Environment

It is a top priority that every family feels safe leaving their child in our care. We will do everything in our power to create an environment when your children are protected, cared for, seen, and have a fun and enjoyable time at church!

Grace City Kids Shop

Throughout the year, our kids are able to earn Grace City Kids Cash in many different ways, including reciting the memory verse, bringing their Bible to class, participating in offerings, being a good listener, participating in the lesson, helping out the teacher, bringing back their completed Home Guide and more! 
Your child will be encouraged to save their Kids Cash all month long. On the last Sunday of every month, we will bring them to our Grace City Kids Shop where they are able to use their money to purchase a toy or prize! 
We love using our Grace City Kids Shop as a way to encourage positive behavior and spiritual discipline in the lives of our kids. This is a great way to be involved in your child’s faith journey while encouraging them to do well in class, steward their money well, and come ready on the last Sunday of every month for a well-deserved reward! 


3–24 months

Your child will experience personal care from our well-staffed team. We have two nursery rooms – walkers and crawlers. We keep our nursery rooms ready for your little ones with age-appropriate toys that are thoroughly cleaned between services. We know babies have specific needs and schedules, so when you bring your child to the classroom, we have an easy-to-use form that you can fill out to let our team know any feeding or sleeping needs. We do not change diapers in our nurseries to best protect your child and our team. If your child needs a diaper change we will notify you with the number on their check-in sticker. We also take time to love and pray for your child each week.


2–5 years

We have a preschool classroom for each age that is specifically designed and prepared for your child. From age-appropriate toys and special service elements just for them, our team is ready to care for and have fun with your little one during service. In preschool, children start to engage more with their church experience. We help them interact with their friends, form relationships with their teachers, and build their faith in God. Each week they will engage with Bible stories, worship songs, prayer time, and a Big Idea from the lesson that they will memorize for the week! Each week your child will come home with a “Home Guide” for you to complete with your child throughout the week. These guides provide the Big Idea, the Memory Verse, the Bible Story, as well as discussion questions and activities that will help deepen their understanding of the lesson that week. If they bring their “Home Guide” back the following week they will earn Kids Cash for our Grace City Kids Shop that our kids visit on the last Sunday of every month.


K–5th Grade

Your children will be taught Biblical truths and practical life lessons through our curriculum that will journey through the Bible chronologically from August – July. Our teachers have been thoroughly background checked and trained to be able to lead your children in interactive lessons that dive deep into scripture and help broaden their knowledge of the Bible. We believe that the word of God is of such high importance in our walk with Jesus, so our goal in our classrooms is to create a space where kids are learning and memorizing scripture that will be hidden in their hearts forever. Our Elementary class also engages in powerful worship every Sunday, small group rotation time, and meaningful moments of prayer with their leaders and peers. Each week your child will come home with a “Home Guide” for you to complete with your child throughout the week. These guides provide the Big Idea, the Memory Verse, the Bible Story, as well as discussion questions and activities that will help deepen their understanding of the lesson that week.  If they bring their “Home Guide” back the following week they will earn Kids Cash for our Grace City Kids Shop that our kids visit on the last Sunday of every month.

 RISE exists to serve individuals of all abilities at Grace City and create a space for them to be respected, included, supported, and empowered.

  • RISE is the special needs ministry of Grace City Church for children between the ages of 2 through fifth grade at our 10:45 AM service.  

  • The RISE team is a group of trained volunteers in our church who are dedicated and passionate about serving the families within our community. We take great joy in presenting Jesus in a way that is fun and relevant to each individual’s needs so that they can find their place, feel valued and call Grace City Church home. 


Where will my child be dropped off?

We have a sensory room where each child will be dropped off and picked up.

What will my child do during service?

This will depend on the child, some choose to stay in the sensory room, others want to go to their class with a buddy, and some like a mix of both.

What are bathroom protocols?

We do not do diaper changes or assist kids in the bathroom. If your child needs assistance we will notify you immediately. Our volunteers are trained to ensure each child is safely cared for!

What happens during a Sunday in RISE?

In the sensory classroom, we have a lesson, and worship, and will often make a trip to the park on campus!

Child Dedication

At Grace City Church, we believe in committing ourselves to preparing and guiding the children of our church to follow and love Christ. Rather than baptizing babies, we dedicate babies to God.

We invite you and your family to partake in this special moment in one of our services. As part of their dedication, our pastors and church publicly commit themselves to standing alongside your family to provide biblical wisdom, protection, and guidance for your children.

Join the GCK Serving Team!

Serve in a classroom!

We would love for you to join our Kids team and be a part of preaching the gospel and raising up the next generation! We believe every Sunday that Kids lives are changed for eternity because of what they learn, experience, and the relationships they are able to make in the classrooms. This does not happen without people using their gifts that God has given them and serving in the classroom on Sundays. If you are interested in serving in our Kids classroom on Sundays we would love you to fill out our GCK Team Application below. After you have completed your form, a member of our Kids Team will reach out to you and get you connected to our team!

Serve at on of our GCK Events!

Our Grace City Kids Team gets the honor of putting on amazing community events year round. Please fill out the below forms if you would like to serve at any of the following events:

GCK Events