Employee Evaluations

An employee evaluation is the assessment and review of a worker’s job performance. Grace City Church has an employee evaluation system wherein employees are evaluated once a year. These assessments are done on the employee’s service anniversary. That is, if you were hired in February, your evaluation is in February, and if you were hired in December, your evaluation is in December.


Why Grace City Church Uses Employee Evaluations

The purpose of Grace City Church employee evaluations is to help employees know how they’re doing when it comes to team building, quality and quantity of work, and reflecting the values, culture, and mission of Grace City Church. 

Our evaluations are two-part. Supervisors complete an evaluation for each employee on or around the one-year anniversary of their date of hire, and the employee completes a self-evaluation. The supervisor completes the Employee Evaluation Form (Supervisor Copy) and the employee completes the Employee Evaluation Form (Employee Copy). Both should bring their completed forms to the employee evaluation meeting. The supervisor will compare answers on each form and evaluate annual growth with the employee.

A well-written self-evaluation with successes and complex projects listed can inform, or remind, your supervisor about the goals you’ve accomplished and the contributions you’ve made during the year.


Your Rights As An Employee

If you receive an evaluation that you disagree with, we have an appeal process. You can request to meet with a Human Resources employee and the Senior Pastor to go over the reasons for your rating.


Note For Supervisors

Some supervisors dislike giving negative feedback and will inflate their employee’s ratings to avoid difficult conversations or to make their team look good up against others. However, remember that in the case of a layoff or firing, lawyers can subpoena these employee evaluations as evidence in a court case. If a supervisor fires an employee for poor performance in June, but the employee can produce an evaluation from December that rates her highly, the church will have a hard time defending our decision to terminate. Other supervisors rate their employees lower than they should, which can demoralize employees and lead them to seek out new employment.

Supervisors should also keep in mind that low-performance ratings lessen an employee’s chances of promotion and growth within the church and increase the chance of a voluntary termination. An accurate low rating can help weed out bad employees, but an inaccurate one can drive high performers out of the company.


Employee Evaluations Policy updated January 10, 2024.